Friday, February 25, 2011

Falling off the path.

Ok let's get into falling off the path. It happens to everyone at some point. Don't get down or kick yourself if you cheat on the diet or skip workouts. The important thing is to recognize you're getting off path and correct it.

It's ok to have a few cheat days here and there but you're going to gain fat when you're chowing down on fatty, greasy foods. Also, this is a biggy...Alcohol consumption, especially beer. I had a problem with this one myself. I got into the habit of drinking again and gained some unwanted fat. While you have to realize that there will be fat when bulking up, you can keep it to minimum by kicking the alcohol and crappy food.

Alcohol is responsible for fat gain, health problems, and even lowing testosterone. Good levels of testosterone are essential for growth. We can't be trading that for alcohol. So, if you can't cut it out completely, try to keep it to a minimum.

Just know that it's common to fall of your path, recognize it, and correct it.

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